
Winter Vacation Safety Guidelines

公告類型: 單位公告
點閱次數: 80
Dear Students,

The winter vacation is approaching. To ensure your health and safety during the holiday, we kindly ask you to pay attention to the following safety guidelines:

1. 提防詐騙。
1. Be vigilant against scams.

2. 注意交通安全。
2. Follow traffic safety rules.

3. 注意工讀安全及活動安全。
3. Be aware of the safety during work-study programs and activities.

4. 確保居住安全,並維護校園人身安全。
4. Ensure housing safety and maintain personal safety on campus.

5. 培養健康的上網習慣。
5. Develop healthy online habits.

6. 提防網路賭博、毒品及犯罪活動。
6. Be cautious of online gambling, drugs, and criminal activities.

7. 避免參與不安全的活動或在缺乏安全規劃的工作環境中工作,以免發生意外。
7. Avoid engaging in unsafe activities or working in environments without proper safety measures, as they may result in accidents.

For more details, please refer to the attachment.

If international students need assistance during the winter vacation, you are welcome to visit the OIA for help. We are located in L406.

若遇緊急事件需要求助,請撥打校安中心電話:(06) 301-0000
If you encounter an emergency and need assistance, please contact the Campus Security Center at: (06) 301-0000

We wish you a safe and enjoyable winter vacation!
發布日期: 2025/01/14 至 2025/02/28