
德國姊妹校 CBS International Business School Erasmus+專案成果發表 Germany CBS International Business School Erasmus+ Project Presentation

公告類型: 單位公告
點閱次數: 116
本校姊妹校CBS是Erasmus+專案TRUST Finance聯盟的一部分。該專案的核心是開發一門關於可持續金融的跨學科課程。這門課程旨在讓來自不同學科的學生熟悉永續性的概念,尤其是關於金融的內容,並透過創新的教學方法進行學習。

CBS邀請您參加專案成果發表一部分的線上活動並附上邀請函。本活動將由CBS的Laxmi Remer教授進行Erasmus+專案TRUST Finance的介紹,兩位專家將針對下面主題報告:
1. ESG對債務成本的影響:系統文獻回顧
2. 整合、轉型、影響—永續投資的重要關鍵


參與本次線上活動Microsoft Teams的連結可在附加檔案的邀請函中找到。

Partner university of STUST, CBS (Germany), is part of the consortium of the Erasmus+ project TRUST Finance. The core of the project was the development of a transdisciplinary course on sustainable finance. The course is intended to familiarise students from various disciplines with sustainability in general, but also specifically with regard to finance through innovative teaching approaches.
CBS shares the attached invitation for an online event as part of the dissemination of the project results. There will be a presentation of the Erasmus+ project TRUST Finance by CBS Prof. Dr. Laxmi Remer as well as two short presentations (20 minutes each) by experts on:
The impact of ESG on cost of debt: A systematic literature review
Integration, Transformation, Impact – What really matters in sustainable investing

The event is aimed at all interested parties, a scientific audience, but also at players from the financial sector, such as banks and consultancies. and it will take place on 27 September 2024, from 12:00-13:30 (CET).

Please find the Microsoft Teams Link in the attached document.

If you are interested in sustainable finance or new pedagogical approaches, we would be very happy to welcome you (virtually) on Friday!
發布日期: 2024/09/26 至 2024/09/27