

公告類型: 單位公告
點閱次數: 103
1.During the period when overseas students are studying in Taiwan and meet the eligibility criteria for insurance, they should register for insurance through their school as the insuring unit.

2.If overseas students are permitted to work in Taiwan and are employed by a business entity, the insuring unit (employer) should register them for insurance with the National Health Insurance Administration within 3 days from the date the insured person becomes eligible for insurance.

3.When overseas students are insured through their employer, they should transfer out of the school's insurance to avoid double insurance.

4.After overseas students terminate their employment relationship with their work unit and transfer out of that health insurance, they should register for insurance under another appropriate status to protect their right to medical care under the National Health Insurance. (For example: those employed by a new work unit should register for insurance with the new unit; during periods of unemployment, they should register for insurance through their school.)

5."Residing in Taiwan for 6 months" refers to continuously living in Taiwan for 6 months, or having left the country once for no more than 30 days, with the actual period of residence reaching 6 months after subtracting the days spent abroad.
(For example: For someone who enters Taiwan on September 1, 2024, if they reside continuously in Taiwan for 6 months without leaving, they should be insured from March 1, 2025, when they complete 6 months of residence. If they leave Taiwan once from January 1 to January 5, 2025, for a total of 4 days, then the insurance should start on March 5, 2025, which is the date when they actually complete 6 months of residence after subtracting the days spent abroad.)

6.Those who work every working day or work at least 12 hours per week are considered full-time employees and should be insured by their employer.
發布日期: 2024/08/27 至 2024/09/27