
財團法人中技社辦理「2024中技社境外生就業平台」活動(CTCI Foundation International Students Online Job Matching Platform)

公告類型: 南臺英文網站
點閱次數: 874

四、活動資訊網頁: https://www.ctci.org.tw/8831/8838/talent_en/43748/45341/45342/
五、註冊網址: https://act.ctci.org.tw/TMC/Registration
六、如有任何問題,請洽中技社人才培育發展中心余小姐,電話02-2704-9805分機72;email: victoria.yu@email.ctci.org.tw
The CTCI Foundation, founded in 1959 as a non-profit organization, provides a platform where companies and international students can conduct online job matching. This enhances opportunities for international students to work in Taiwan during their studies or after graduation and assists companies in recruiting the international talents.

***Target Attendees: International students with bachelor’s, master's or doctoral degrees in science, engineering, and business administration are particularly welcome, especially new graduates and seniors.
***Applicants will be asked to upload a resume, but no fixed format is required.
***Web page: https://www.ctci.org.tw/8831/8838/talent_en/43748/45341/45342/
***Registration: https://act.ctci.org.tw/TMC/Registration
***No registration deadline.
***This event is free.
***Contact: Victoria Yu 02-2704-9805 ext. 72 victoria.yu@email.ctci.org.tw
發布日期: 2024/04/18 至 2024/07/31