
DIGI+ Talent 跨域數位人才加速躍升計畫 大學校院申請說明會

公告類型: 校園活動
點閱次數: 381
The Talent Circulation Alliance Program, as part of the “Digital and Special Talent Development Project” under the “Forward-Looking Infrastructure” implemented by Executive Yuan, aims to promote talent circulation internationally, to cultivate digital talent for industry in Taiwan, and to urge connection between talent and the industry.

The ultimate targets are to expand international talent pool in Taiwan, raise competitiveness of both Taiwanese talent and the industry, and elevate our digital economic energy. This program collaborates with companies and legal entities, as training institutions, to cocultivate international digital talent through a variety of training programs and industrial internship.

In order to cultivate international digital talent for the future industry, the areas for this training and internship program will focus on the development of the digital economic industry, which includes but not limited to: Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, Smart Network, Smart Content, and Digital Marketing.

Students who are interested in the project and would like to participate in the campus briefing activities, please contact your department offices or the curriculum and Instruction Division, Office of Academic Affairs.

資策會執行2024年「DIGI+ Talent跨域數位人才加速躍升計畫」(以下簡稱DIGI+計畫) ,依據行政院「智慧國家方案(2021~2025年)」主軸四:「數位包容」,以六大核心產業需求為導向,培育產業數位科技應用人才及跨領域數位人才,並促成產業國際人才循環與交流,進而擴大在臺國際人才數量。本計畫將與企業、法人單位合作實務研習,研習領域包括:人工智慧、資料科學、智慧聯網、智慧內容、數位行銷等。


發布日期: 2024/03/21 至 2024/04/29