
法國里爾大學暑期課程資訊 Invitation to Interbiz 2023 - Summer School in Lille

公告類型: 單位公告
點閱次數: 428
本校姊妹校法國里爾大學 (University of Lille) 辦理2023暑期課程,歡迎對課程有興趣的同學報名參與,相關資訊如下:

Dear students,

We are pleased to invite you to Interbiz 2023: The Smart Move, an international summer school co-organised by the University of Lille and the International Academy in Hauts-de-France. The summer school will take place from 3rd to 14th July in Lille, France, and will represent 60 hours of intensive training. All course will be taught in English.

Interbiz 2023 is designed to provide you with the fundamental aspects of intercultural management in line with top-tier institutes and leading experts in business, economics, geography and cross-cultural management. You will be immersed in a high-performance academic and economic hub, midway between Paris, London and Brussels, providing a conducive environment for learning and networking.

The deadline for registration is 14th May, with a registration fee of €1250. For early birds, the deadline is 23rd April, with a discounted registration fee of €900. Additionally, there is an optional comfort pack available for €460.

We believe that Interbiz 2023 is an ideal opportunity for you to gain valuable intercultural management skills, expand your international network, and enhance your overall academic experience.

To register for Interbiz 2023, please visit our website https://www.international-academy.fr/interbiz/ If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us at interbiz@international-academy.fr

We look forward to receiving your application and welcoming you to Interbiz 2023.
發布日期: 2023/04/19 至 2023/05/14