
台灣艾斯摩爾徵才說明會 ASML – Online Career Talk

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點閱次數: 661
台灣艾斯摩爾徵才說明會 ASML – Online Career Talk


透過本場說明會,您將對ASML的技術創新、公司文化,以及職缺內容有更全面的了解,ASML也將介紹全新職缺規劃AE (Associate Engineer),為台灣人才帶來更多機會。

ASML is currently the world's largest and highest market value semiconductor equipment company.
If you are looking for truly challenging, rewarding work in an environment where you are encouraged to reach your potential, then ASML is coming for you!
ASML Taiwan is the largest foothold in Asia with over 4,000 employees from 27 nationalities. And we’re looking for talents to join us.

Are you ready to help us take on the challenges of building, maintaining, and improving the most advanced lithography systems in the world?
Register our online career talk and be part of progress NOW!

特殊條件 : 大四應屆畢業生 & 畢業校友 , 理工科系
Requirement: New Graduate & Alumni (Engineering, Science)

日期 & 時間: 2022年6月22日 14:00-15:00
Date & Time: 22nd, June, 2022 14:00-15:00

報名連結: https://forms.office.com/r/xhi4n88LDN
Registration Link: https://forms.office.com/r/xhi4n88LDN

發布日期: 2022/06/16 至 2022/06/22