
📢Career Consultation for International Students 📢給外籍學生的全英職涯諮詢

公告類型: 校園活動
點閱次數: 65

💡 Feeling uncertain about your career path? Do you want to explore your strengths, improve your job search skills, or adapt to Taiwan’s workplace culture? Now, you have the chance to receive personalized career consultation!

📌 諮詢內容包含(可依需求選擇2-3個)
📌 What You Can Discuss (Choose 2-3 issues Based on Your Needs)::

✔ 職涯探索(興趣、技能、個人特質、價值觀等)
✔ Career Exploration (interests, skills, personality, values, etc.)

✔ 轉換職涯 & 決策建議
✔ Career Transitions & Decision-Making

✔ 求職技巧(履歷、面試、找工作管道)
✔ Job Search Strategies (resume, interviews, job opportunities)

✔ 文化適應 & 職場溝通
✔ Cultural Adaptation & Workplace Communication

✔ 其他個人職涯相關問題
✔ Any other career-related concerns

📌 申請方式How to Sign Up::

**Click the form link below and select your available time slots and consultation topics.

**每位學生最多可預約 3 次諮詢,我們將從你選擇的時段中安排合適的時間與你確認。
**Each student can book up to 3 sessions. We will confirm your appointment based on your selected times.

**Prepare your CV/Resume in advance. You can provide a link for reference.

📩 報名表單連結Registration Form Link::https://forms.gle/PEJ7PpGD3zNC9FtaA

**每次諮詢時間:50 分鐘(線上進行)
**Duration: 50 minutes per session (Online)

**Language: English

**Who Can Join: International students seeking career guidance

★ 機會有限,趕快報名吧!Limited slots available – sign up now!
發布日期: 2025/03/05 至 2025/06/30