List of Scholarship Recipients for Studying Abroad in the Spring 2025 Semester:
系統編號 System No. / 獎學金金額 Scholarship Amount
246 65000
247 65000
248 136000
249 136000
250 136000
251 86000
252 65000
253 65000
254 136000
255 136000
260 136000
266 86000
注意事項 :
1) 獎學金發放依「南臺科技大學出國留學獎學金實施要點」辦理。
2) 請受獎同學上系統https://webap.stust.edu.tw/ExchgStuds/ 確認獲獎金額,並注意e-mail 繳件通知。
3) 依據「南臺科技大學出國留學獎學金實施要點」,本校出國留學獎學金含「教育部學海飛颺計畫獎學金」及「高等教育深耕計畫第一部分主冊計畫-出國留學獎學金」。受領學海飛颺計畫獎學金者,依教育部規定,同一學制內,僅能擇一領取學海飛颺、學海惜珠、學海築夢或新南向學海築夢。
4) 錄取者因故未能確實出國或是已領取其他獎學金,將須依規定繳回全數獎學金。
5) 依規定領取此獎學金者,需實際前往國外學校,並修讀足夠之學分數(半年至少6學分, 1年至少12學分)。學分數不足者,也將須依規定繳回全數獎學金。
6) 出國研修半年者,最晚須於180天內返國至本校報到;出國研修一年者,最晚須於365天內返國至本校報到。
7) 依據「南臺科技大學出國留學獎學金實施要點」規定,如有任何違反行政契約書內規定或研修返國15天內,未能如期返校完成教育部及本校境外研修相關結案手續者,仍將會依規定追繳已領取之全數獎學金。
1) The scholarship will be granted in accordance with the "STUST Study Abroad Scholarship Guidelines."
2) Please log in to the system (https://webap.stust.edu.tw/ExchgStuds/) to confirm the awarded amount and check the email for document submission notifications.
3) According to the "STUST Study Abroad Scholarship Guidelines," the university's study abroad scholarships include the "MOE Elite Study Abroad Program Scholarship" and the "Higher Education Sprout Project – Study Abroad Scholarship." Recipients of the MOE Elite Study Abroad Program Scholarship are only allowed to receive one of the following within the same academic level, as per MOE regulations: Elite Study Abroad, Study Abroad for Financially Disadvantaged Students, Study Abroad Dream-Building, or New Southbound Study Abroad Dream-Building.
4) If a recipient is unable to go abroad or has already received another scholarship, they must return the full amount of the awarded scholarship according to regulations.
5) Scholarship recipients must attend the host institution abroad and complete the required course credits (at least 6 credits per semester for a six-month study period and at least 12 credits for a one-year study period). Those who fail to meet the credit requirement must return the full scholarship amount.
6) Students studying abroad for six months must return and report to STUST within 180 days, while those studying abroad for one year must return and report to STUST within 365 days.
7) In accordance with the "STUST Study Abroad Scholarship Guidelines," if a recipient violates the administrative contract or fails to complete the necessary final report procedures with the MOE and STUST within 15 days of returning, they will be required to repay the full amount of the received scholarship.